In this Meditation Course, based around the Wheel of the Year and the Four Seasons, you will learn the foundations to focusing your mind and getting into a meditative state. You will learn to clear out the negative influences that keep you stuck and distracted and build a daily meditation routine.
Topics we will cover:
-sitting postures
-hand postures
-how to overcome negative thoughts, anxiety and states of depression
-how to listen to your intuition
-tools for meditation
-how to find and keep balance
-how to focus the mind in order to enter a meditative state
-how to build and maintain a daily meditation practice for a healthier life
Each class will take 1 hour but you will also be assigned to meditate at home.
Price per class - 10€
Price for the whole course - 190€
Price per month with upfront payment - 24€ ( equivalent of 8€ per class)
Price for the whole course with upfront payment - 114€ (equivalent of 6€ per class)
Meditation Course 2020 Calendar
First Semester
January - June
Saint Maurice - France
Winter/Fire/Look Within/Intuition Work/Cleansing/Shadow Work
January - New Ideas
Friday, 10th of January - Shadow Work and Self Love
Friday, 17th of January - Imagination and Intuition
Friday, 24th of January - Point of View
Break (31st of January) Home Practice - Your Daily Practice (1 minute a day)
Getting ready for Spring/Earth/Look out into Nature/Visualise the things you want to
manifest/ Light Work
February - New Journey
Friday, 7th of February IMBOLC -
Friday, 14th of February - Aromas
Friday, 21st of February - Essential Oils
Break (28th of February) Home Practice - Expanding your daily practice (5 minutes a day)
March - State of Mind
Friday, 6th of March - Visualisation
Friday, 13th of March - Emotional Visualisation
Spring/Water/What is manifesting/What do you want to continue manifesting and what to
weed out/ Balance Work
Friday, 20th of March - SPRING EQUINOX -
Break (27th of March) Home Practice - (10 minutes a day)
April - Spring Cleaning
Friday, 3rd of April - Ho'oponopono
Friday, 10th of April - Chakra Balance
Friday, 17th of April - Meditation Beads
Break (24th of April) Home Practice - (20 minutes a day)
May - Moving In
Friday, 1st of May - Chanting
Go all out/Put your chosen projects into practice/ soak in the solar energy
Friday, 8th of May BELTANE -
Friday, 15th of May - Focus the Mind
Friday, 22nd of May - Focus the Mind
Break (29th of May) Home Practice (20 minutes twice a day)
June - Manifesting, Resting, Preparing
Friday, 5th of June -Inner Joy
Friday, 12th of June - Oness
Focus the Mind
Air/Reap the fruit of your work/feel
Friday, 19th of June SUMMER SOLSTICE -
abundance/prepare for fall Inner Peace
End (26th of June) Home Practice - (continuing the meditation practice)
Who is this course for:
This course is for anyone who is suffering from anxiety, depression, and or mental fatigue.
It is also for people who have tried to meditate in the past but felt that they couldn't really relax into it and clear their minds.
It is also for people who already meditate but want to take their practice to the next level.
This course is for everyone and anyone who wants to learn how to focus their minds in order to achieve better results in life and to live with inner peace.